Small islands scattered in the ocean blue. Luxury resort perched on a white sand beach. This picturewas not confined to the Maldives, but also the Riau Islands. By Reza Idris explains whythis province deserve to be a family vacation destination, executive summary by darmansjah
Umi Segantang Lada . This is the nickname ofthe Riau archipelago. Being in theass Straits of Malacca, the islands share a borderwith Singapore andMalaysia (the annexationistregion). The extent of 252 601 km2, the number of pieces 2.408 islands with 40% not yet have a name. Said local resident, tocount the island as much as it needed pepper bushel.
Glorious history. Located in one of the world's busiest trade routes, RiauIslands have had amassive harbor. Golden age took place in the 18th century under the command of the Sultanate of Johor-Riau. Most ofhis tracks stored on the Penyengat island statusimperial center. There we can find the Sultan of Riau Grand Mosque thatsome body is madefrom egg whites; Indonesianfather's tomb, Raja Ali Haji; and towering fortress on Bukit Kursi.
After its vital role as a hub of tradewas taken over Singapore, Riau islands turned into tourist destinations. Luxury hotels springing up. Restaurantsare mushrooming. Tour operators are busy serving travelers from neighboring countries, particularly Singapore (Singapore Dollar major currencies like here). Looking at the landscape and amenities, the RiauIslands have the capital to rival the Maldives orthe Caribbean.
After its vital role as a hub of tradewas taken over Singapore, Riau islands turned into tourist destinations. Luxury hotels springing up. Restaurantsare mushrooming. Tour operators are busy serving travelers from neighboring countries, particularly Singapore (Singapore Dollar major currencies like here). Looking at the landscape and amenities, the RiauIslands have the capital to rival the Maldives orthe Caribbean.
For the majority of domestic tourists, unfortunately, the Riau Islands has not been popular. He lost to shinethan exotic islandsin eastern Indonesia. In fact, for matters of access, Riau archipelago qualified relative. Heis the province withthe largest airport: Hang Nadim Airport in Batam, Raja Haji Fiasibilillah in bintan, Ranai in Natuna, in Dabo DaboSingkep, Matak inAnambas, plus Busungairport being built in northern bintan. And asI have proved from this trip, Riau Islands have a fairly complete offer of activities, including for travelers who come with family.
Nikoi Island is one of the tourist magnet in the Riau Islands. The island area of 30 football fields can be reached using the ferry from Pelabuhan Kawal. Embedded in dark clouds, pilots spur speed, devouring waves rising wind. 'If it Bintan rains, Nikoi usually bright,' said one of the ships staff. Interval of 20 minutes, his words proved. Approaching the dock Nikoi, the sun showed his face back.
Originally uninhabited island, breaks Nikoi transformedso that populardestinations. The story begins when the expatriate namedPeter Timmer sailfor months to track down the island to realize his dream: "a perfect paradise '. LikeNecker Island in VirginIslands, Nikoi adopted the concept of 'one island, one resort'. Peterbuilt 17 villaseach with its thatched roof and wooden walls. All the buildings are not painted. Muchis left bare floorpaved with white sand. Peter wanted the guests one with nature.

Nikoi also offers many exciting activities. On the south side of the island, visitors can ride a kayakto circumnavigate the island which covers just 15hectares of this. Kayaking will take you browse through choppy seas and through the narrowmangrove forests inhabited by herds lizards.
After paddling, guests can snorkel at several points around the island. Pin, the staff of the island, took me to the best location: the stretch of reefis only eight metersfrom the beach. South coast Nikoi collected soft coral and enchanting colorful biota, such as angelfish, nudibranchs, clown fish, butterfly fish, and batfish. Whichis also fun, snorkeling equipment can be borrowed without paying.
The beauty of coral reefs in Nikoicould not be separated from the role Michel Lippitsch, the man from France who hasdozens of years to explore the underwater world of Indonesia, ranging from alor toRaja Ampat. 'The best diving location in the south of the island, "he said while pointing waters near the island linedsand and mangrovelined islands, about 10 minutes from Nikoi. Michel held aregular class divingthere for a minimum 12-year-old child. April to October is the best diving period.
Snorkeling and diving can also be done on the Pulau Beralas Pasir, the island with an area of only 4 ha which is quite close to the beach Nikoi. Only a handful of humans who inhabit it. The entry fee of US$5 per person and is valid all day. Some of the accommodation or tour operators often take their guests to this tiny land.
For a phobiaof water, Nikoi offerstrekking in the jungle tours in the east of the island. Bembeng, rangers fromFlores, guide me through the field to drain enough stamina: the route, winding road of rock and soil, bushy plants. I watched the spider lily flower, frangipani, andmilky white stinkhorn mushrooms. Also seen a spider golden orb and somekind of lizard tailare milling about in the branches of trees. Inmid-2008, a researcher of Indian origin had done research here andfind attractive creatures, such as the Kingfisher bird, little heron, and white belly sea eagle.
Night at Nikoi not filled witha party at the bar, but the safari. Armed with flashlights and sticks, I trace the path to the east. Less than10 minutes, fiddler crabs caught flashlights land. He was small, equivalent to the size of a cell phone. According to thesafari guide, these animals come out at night to eat the fruitthat falls from the sea fig trees. Finished eating, he would diga hole in the ground as his new home, whileher old home turned into a catchment pit thatplays an important role in maintainingsoil fertility. Peter Timmer seemed to successfullyreach his dream, Nikoi is' perfect paradise'-a place where man and nature live together, while enjoying all that God has given.
Lagoi like Nusa Dua versionRiau Islands: pouchpockets inhabited by tourists luxury propertyand premium facilities. Land area of 23.000ha to 3.000ha of which occupiedseven hotels andfour Jack Nicklaus design golf field.
What to Do in Riau Islands
Diving in Pulau Beralas Pasir
This tiny island waterscollected about 100.000 thousand marine species. It is advisable to come in summer for bestvisibility (Asia DiveNow. Global Operations Centre Blk 465, Singapore: 6536 0656532;
Bintan Elephant Safari Park
The zoo offers a programof interaction between humans andSumatran elephants. Guests can also visit the feeding station up thebacks of elephants and elephant safariin the jungle (WelcomeToBintan; 062 771 318 692;
Jetski Safari
Tour through the mangroveforest in Bintan, visit the fishing village Segiling, and race inthe water circuit (Bintan Lagoon Resort: 0812706 5752;
Gunung BintanAdventure Trek
Trekking through the wilderness of Bintan to the height of 340m. This forest inhabited by monkeys, eagles, and various exotic plants. Tour diitutup by bathing in a waterfall (111North Bridge Road# 02-07 PeninsulaPlaza, Singapore;
Catamaran Sailing
Glide 30km perhour speed catamaranboat and see the beauty around Nikoi Island(Nikoi Island; 0659635 1950;
Tourism area in Bintan was launched on18 July 1996 oncooperation between the government of Indonesia and Singapore. Predictably, the main customers are tourists from Singapore. Every weekend, people are saturated with panoramic views neighboring skyscraperscame into Lagoito feel the softness of white sand between your toes, see the waving palm trees, and of course, swinging a golf club. By the government, Lagoi even hadpromoted as the 'Bali volume two'.
I began my exploration of Bintan LagoonResort, resort area of 310ha with a modern contemporary style architecture. Together OutdoorAdventure tour operatorand Bintan Lagoon, I scoured the hills on the east side resort using the ATV. Atvracing when I wasthrough the woods, past the field soil and sand along the 2km. If too slow, the vehicle weighs 300kg is easy to fall into thesand pit.
Before through the woods, I had stopped at Pantai Panjang. 1.5 kmalong the beach is relatively quiet, perhaps because access is difficult. Said Martin, the guide, not far from here there is a fishing village called Village Segiling. The fishermen generally to the shore forgrouper fishing.
Bintan Lagoon also provides electric bicycletour lasted 90min. Participants will be taken down the path paved treelined shady. Differentfrom the ATV tour, this activity is more relaxed. While enjoying thebreeze, I sawthe monkeys perched on the branches of trees
Lagoi managers are quite serious in maintaining the ecosystem of the area. Hotel and golf course shouldstand, but pockets of green remains conserved. Later, thisstrategy bear fruit even profitable, for manytourists from Singapore was like nature exploration package.
Ecotourism is one of the packages offered by the Bintan Lagoon. In the evening, the participants brought to Sebung river through the mangrove forest, thenboarded a boat to watch the fireflies light up the night flying. If you come during the day, wecan see a variety of wildlife, such as gold ring snake, lizard, and with luck, crocodiles.
Explore the tourist harvest success intempting some investors to work on other areasin Riau Islands. Many islands are now being developed as a tourist area, one of them ‘Pulau Bawah 'in the waters Anambas, about 3 hours of' Pelabuahan Kawal '. The plan of this islandwill be transformed into a special retreat of foreign celebrities. If Prince William went to the Seychelles for their honeymoon, can beprince harry laterbrought his wife to the Riau Islands.
Getting There
Batam and Bintan are the two main gates of the Riau Islands are commonly visited by the national airlines. Bintan flight Jakarta-served among others by LionAir (, Sriwijaya Air andBatavia Air ( all purgi home in May. Nikoi BintanIsland is located in the East. To reach it, you can take a taxi from the airport tothe Port Guard, ferryboats that connectedopposite each at 12 and 15. To achieve Lagoi, youcan ride a rented vehicle. One of the operatorsare eligible to choose the Indorent (sebung bayFerry Port Block 5& 6; Lagoi: 0770 691 931;
When to Go
Water sports activities can not bedone during heavy rainfall. Peak of the rainy seasonoccurred from November to March, while the summer from earlyApril through August.
Where to Stay
Nikoi Island, premiumresort and only NikoiIsland, offers 17traditional-style villa with the concept of water. Select the number seven villas are locatednear a variety of resort facilities (065 9635190;, ranging from U.S. $ 390). Lagoi region, bintan umbrella LagoonResort 411 roomsand 57 villasthat are divided into various types (Jl. InderaSegara Site A12, Lagoi 29 155; 062 770 691 388;; rooms start at U.S. $ 168).
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